The Delight of the Dandelion

Dandelion is in her fullness this time of year and I am not one to take it for granted. She is more often than not, mistaken for an un-wanted garden weed and to many urban lawn-owners she must be silenced. Dandelion is an alchemist of sun and moon, earth and sky. She mirrors the solar rays as she flowers, and the full face of the moon as she seeds. She pulls ancient medicine up through her taproot, and is not afraid to reach into the depths of uncertain soils as she thrives through compacted clay, disrupted landscapes, and cracked cement. She sends her seeds like love poems with the wind and never hesitates to share the bigness of her spirit and un-matched resilience. Dandelion is a plant for the people, and one of my greatest guides and fondest mentors. Her teachings have been a salve for me many times along my healing path and continuously remind me to be courageous in a world that wants to control.

In early Spring, I harvest her leaves to stew and young buds for capers. As she flowers, I gather her blossoms for fritters, infusions, mead, chutney and jelly. I collect her seeds to add to my homemade crackers and baking, and in early autumn, I gather her roots to roast for my favorite, grounding and detoxifying tea. Every single part of the Dandelion is edible, medicinal, and wildly important. If you are lucky enough to have a yard plentiful with un-sprayed Dandelions, I encourage you to see it as a gift, and delight in her abundance.


An Ancestral Remembrance and Forest Stew


Embracing the Slowness